Foreclosure and your credit Foreclosure can severely negatively affect your credit. When going through a foreclosure your credit can fall as much as 200-300 points. This is a huge sign to future lenders that you are not a trustworthy person and will affect your ability to purchase and rent future homes. Getting in front of […]
Get Foreclosure Help in Orlando! Get Foreclosure from our trusted partners! Being an industry leader for over 10 years 407Foreclosure Help is the number one place to go when dealing with foreclosure in Orlando. Learn your options, preserve your credit. Home
Buying a Foreclosure in Auction How Do Foreclosure Auctions Work? When a home is sold at auction it is called a Trustee’s Sale. Sales are handled differently in each area, so you would want to check with your county on its rules and guidelines on buying a foreclosure from auction. Generally speaking, purchasing the property […]
Buying a Home with Bad Credit Having bad credit does make it harder to acquire a home, but not impossible. In today’s economy, there are many options to turn to when faced with this problem. Keep reading to learn 5 methods to learn how to buy a home with bad credit- Check Your Credit Score […]
Congratulations, you are on your way to owning your very own home! Follow these suggestions (and your realtor’s advice) so that escrow and settlement with go as smooth as possible. You will be asked for a down payment on the home you are purchasing. You can choose to put down as much or as little […]
CMA is real estate shorthand for “Comparative Market Analysis.” A CMA is a report prepared by a real estate agent providing data comparing your property to similar properties in the marketplace. The first thing an agent will need to do to provide you with a CMA is to inspect your property. Generally, this inspection won’t […]
Fortunately for buyers, there are a mortgage types to choose from. It is in your best interest to investigate each of them to determine which is the best for your situation. You probably won’t qualify for all of them. In fact, you may only qualify for one. But if you do qualify for more than […]
June and Fred Smith were diligent about getting their home ready for sale. They ordered a pre-sale termite inspection report. The report revealed that their large rear deck was dry-rot infested, so they replaced it before putting their home on the market. The Smiths also called a reputable roofer to examine the roof and […]
Ready to close the deal? Maybe not. Sometimes unforeseeable issues arise just prior to closing the sale. Hopefully, with negotiation, most of these have a workable solution. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But don’t panic. Another buyer might still be found who is willing to accept the house as is. Imagine that your […]
As an alternative to working with an experienced real estate agent, you might consider selling your home yourself; however, if you choose this option, be prepared for a lot of work! It can and has been done, of course, but if you don’t have the time and energy to commit to it (or need to […]